Best Auntie in the World

Created by Amanda 3 years ago
三嬸,我應該從哪裏開始說起呢!第一次見她應該大約七,八歲左右, 突然間想起了她送給我的第一份禮物,是一個白色的音樂盒打開來有個芭蕾舞公主轉動著,是我十分愛惜的禮物。她也會教我們唱詩歌永遠都好開心的。
當我在英國讀書時住在三叔三嬸家中,三嬸就好似媽媽一樣無微不至地照顧我就如女兒一般看待,很多回憶無時無刻地湧上心頭,令我記起很多很多和他相處的點點滴滴但又怎能在這裏一一說出呢!她那爽朗的笑聲是最令我難忘,她十分能幹因為家中任何大小事都能自己解決。她在我心中就像女超人因為她的動作永遠都快手快腳。我會永遠懷念和她相處的時光,願她在天家平安喜樂! 侄女 敏櫻 Auntie, where should I start, I remember first we met was around 7 or 8 years old, I still remember the first gift from her was a white ballerina music box, I treasure this music box very much and she taught us to sing poetry, and she always so happy. When I was study in England I was living with auntie and uncle, she take care of me just like one of her daughter, lots of memories pop-ups in my mind, I remember lot of happy moments spend with her, specially her happy voices. For me she was a Superwoman, she can fixed big or small matters in the house and she will do it as quick as she can. I will miss every moment we spend together, some day we will meet together in heaven. Miss you Auntie 3 Niece Amanda
